
X Display Company (XDC), a Cork, Ireland and RTP, North Carolina based technology developer, creates intellectual property for manufacturing MicroLED displays, sells MicroIC & PixelEngine™ components and Micro Transfer Printing Equipment that will power next-generation displays. XDC is poised to capture share in the display market, delivering solutions that will make people’s lives better.


Intellectual Property (IP)

XDC creates unique and differentiated intellectual property to advance its mission of building an eco-system for next generation innovative technologies.


Microelectronic Component Sales

XDC provides pixel-level microdevices, microLEDs, microICs, and PIXELENGINETM modules tailor-made for high-performance optoelectronic materials and the displays that use them.



XDC manufactures Printer Equipment for its Customers to employ Micro Transfer Printing.


Micro Transfer Printing (µTP) is a cost-effective and scalable manufacturing platform for integrating microscale devices, such as lasers, LEDs or integrated circuits onto non-native substrates. XDC develops patented µTP and related technology in displays, provides custom design services for stamps and printers, and related printing and engineering services.

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