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X Display’s Professor John Rogers Wins the Washington Award

- Jan 20, 2022

The award is conferred annually upon an engineer whose professional attainments have pre-eminently promoted the happiness, comfort, and well-being of humanity.

RTP, N. Carolina, January 20, 2022 – X Display Company (XDC), a leader in MicroLED displays, announced today that Prof. John Rogers, Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee at XDC, has been conferred with the prestigious Washington Award for “his pioneering work in technology development which focuses the concern for humanity, through platforms that address key medical challenges, in designs that facilitate use across all global communities”.

Prof. Rogers joins an elite list of Washington Award winners that includes Herbert Hoover (1919), Orville Wright (1927), Henry Ford (1944), Neil Armstrong (1980), Gene Cernan (2003), and William Nye (2014).

Matthew Meitl, Co-Founder and Executive Vice President of XDC, completed graduate studies in Prof. Rogers’ research group. “John can translate cutting-edge science into practical solutions with extraordinary skill,” said Dr. Meitl. “XDC’s technology originates from Prof. Rogers’ pioneering work and as chair of our Scientific Advisory Committee, he continues to steer our MicroLED innovations to meet the display industry’s needs.”

XDC has developed best-in-class technology for mass transfer of PixelEngineTM devices for high performance MicroLED displays. With over 500 patents and an enviable eco-system of customers, investors and partners, XDC aims to shape the $150B display industry landscape.

About the Washington Award

The prestigious Washington Award is conferred upon an engineer(s) whose professional attainments have preeminently advanced the welfare of humankind. Each year, during Engineers Week, presentation of the award is made at a joint banquet of the members and guests of the Western Society of Engineers; the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers; American Society of Civil Engineers; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; National Society of Professional Engineers; and the American Nuclear Society.

About Prof. John Rogers

Professor John A. Rogers obtained BA and BS degrees in chemistry and in physics from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1989. From MIT, he received SM degrees in physics and in chemistry in 1992 and a PhD degree in physical chemistry in 1995. From 1995 to 1997, Rogers was a Junior Fellow in the Harvard University Society of Fellows. He joined Bell Laboratories as a Member of Technical Staff in the Condensed Matter Physics Research Department in 1997, and he served as Director of this department from the latter part of 2000 until 2002. He then spent 13 years at the faculty of University of Illinois, most recently as the Swanlund Chair Professor and Director of the Seitz Materials Research Laboratory. In the fall of 2016, he joined Northwestern University as the Louis Simpson and Kimberly Querrey Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Medicine, with affiliate appointments in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Chemistry, where he is also Director of the recently endowed Center for Bio-Integrated Electronics. Prof. Rogers has published more than 700 papers, is a co-inventor on more than 100 patents, and has co-founded several successful technology companies. His research has been recognized by many awards, including the MacArthur Fellowship (2009), the Lemelson-MIT Prize (2011), the Smithsonian Award for American Ingenuity in the Physical Sciences (2013), the MRS Medal (2018), and most recently the Benjamin Franklin Medal from the Franklin Institute (2019). He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Medicine, the National Academy of Inventors, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

About X Display Company

X Display Company (XDC), a Cork, Ireland and RTP, North Carolina-based technology developer, licenses intellectual property for manufacturing MicroLED displays, sells MicrolC & PixelEngine TM components and Micro Transfer Printing Equipment that will power next-generation displays. XDC is poised to capture share in the display market, delivering solutions that will make peoples’ lives better.

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Micro-transfer printing (µTP) was developed in Professor John Roger’s group in the mid-2000s

600+ patents

XDisplayTM is a leading developer of advanced assembly and display solutions.

$150B+ display market

Since its development in the mid-2000s, the market has greatly expanded, reaching beyond $150 billion.